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Sky Blue

I am a school teacher. Yes. It is a noble job. I think it the noblest thing I will ever do in my life. Do I love it? I can’t really say I do love it. I think I fall in between loving it and hating it at the same time. I love most free weekends that comes with it. I hate that I have to go there on some weekends for PTAs and Exams. I love the teaching part. I love the look of amazement on the students’ faces when you partake new knowledge to them. I hate the paper works—the piles and piles of workbooks, homeworks, projects and notebooks waiting to be marked. I love the long holidays I get when school’s out though yet I hate every Mondays when I have to stand on the gate and greet every kid and parent that comes. But whatever right?, just put your best smile yeah?

When I was in the university, I studied how to be a high school teacher. I rationalized that it is easier to teach big kids because their vocabulary are wider and they are capable of making decisions for themselves. Just imagine my greatest struggle when I decided to try teaching primary kids! Not only that… I also have to teach kindergartens ages 4 and 5. I can manage the first graders but preschoolers? I’ll be damned. I thought a lot about it but my urge to live in the big city is stronger than my fear of not being able to teach little kids. I took the chance.

Regrets? Nope. I don’t have any. It was the most challenging and fulfilling thing I have ever done in my life. I mean how could you regret it when you get hugs and kisses everyday? Alright I don’t like the snotty noses, boogers and sticky hands which I still get though. Who would have time to be sad when they would willingly and enthusiastically memorize your out of tune songs and imitate your crazy dance skills? Not me.

Stressed. Yes. I get stressed a lot when I have to shift my thoughts a lot. I mean I am teaching different age groups and grade levels. I am lazy but I don’t want to compromise the things my kids would learn. I hate this part of my job when I have to plan out my lessons in ways they would have to understand. Simplify the simple. Tear down the torn. Basically, untangle and uncomplicate. It is one of the life skills I am still trying to work on these days.

Destress. How do I do it? I basically dress up to make myself feel better. I find that the colors of the clothes I wear affect my overall emotions. The particular color that makes me feel so happy is skyblue. It makes me feel so warm , looking at it. It brightens my eyes and my perceptions. So one day, I decided to put in on me in the form of this dress. I love the feeling having this color on me.

How about you? What color makes you happy?



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