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In Pursuit Of Adventures

"I spend most of my time wondering

if I should be somewhere else.

So I have learned to shape the words thank you

with my first breath each morning, my last breath every night."

(The Paradox, Sarah Kay)

I just woke up one day and thought of moving to another country.

I had been so comfortable, no... more like I got bored with my life in Thailand. Not that I didn't do anything fun or awesome but I guess I was doing the same thing for the last three years. I mean four years must be long enough to actually be living in a country where you can't actually be a citizen. I love Bangkok City so much that it was bittersweet parting with it.

I couldn't believe I got a window seat on that eleven-hour flight to Kiev. I love window seats. I am a dreamer and I like to sleep so I was very happy about that. One thing that made it less appealing was that I'm not so keen on flying. It is such a scary thing to be up there but seeing the sunrise 35,000 feet made it all worth the risk.

I thought I'll get the hang of being on planes but there I was sitting in a cold airport where everyone was wearing a black leather jacket ( I was like in the movie The Matrix) and I was feeling miserable in anticipation for my next two-hour flight to Istanbul.

The two-hour flight was taking like forever. I must have been very excited to see Istanbul. I can't wait to start my adventures to the warmest destination in the cold winter. LOL. I can't seem to forget those lines from a poster about Istanbul. Well, when I said adventures, I am not talking about jumping off from a helicopter, bungee jumping or the likes. What I meant with adventures is getting lost in a city where no one knows me and I could look like a cute lost puppy. LOL. Before I could do that, I must arrive to Istanbul first.

First things first, touchdown Istanbul!!!

In pursuit of this kind of adventure, I decided to leave my favorite city, Bangkok. I had to move another thousand miles from home. I must go through the struggle of learning helpful words and phrases so I could survive this adventure. What is an adventure for you? What would you give up to pursue it? I hope whatever it is, you may find the courage and spirit to go for it.



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