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Blissful Weekend

I look forward to weekends. Literally these two days off from school is like a mini vacation for me. When school opened just a month and two weeks ago, I had been dreading the working week. I’m not complaining but I just can’t really be happy about working these days.

So anyways, the first weekend of this month is such a bliss. I was able to hang out with some few friends whom I haven’t seen in forever … alright that was an exaggeration.. LOL.

Saturday, I met my ex-roomie who became a close friend who taught me how to indulge the inner wanderlust in me. I also met her plus one… I was talking about her boyfriend. They had such a funny start and I was the one who made it super funny but I am not a matchmaker. Whenever I hang around them, we almost always end up eating too much. We get so bloated that we couldn’t remember if we also ate the table napkins or what… LOL

Sunday, I met my sister in crime. LOL I can’t think of any good one sentence to describe this woman because if I must describe her, I need a at least 3 pages of A4 paper. She is a good friend because she likes half the books I read. Although we profess different faiths, we agree on so many things about life. She has the most resilient spirit—a very strong one I’d say. She always encourages me to hear my heart and not be a coward to follow it. That sounds like a friend for keeps, right?

Well, who could say that having those wonderful people in your life is not a bliss? It was such a blissful weekend, indeed. We must live by the thought that when you find people worth keeping, you better hold on to them.



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